Bahkan ada yang secara tegas menyatakan bahwa rokok sebagai penyebab utama terjadinya kanker paru paru. Partikel asap rokok, seperti benzopiren, dibenzopiren, dan uretan, dikenal sebagai bahan karsinogen. Juga tar berhubungan dengan risiko terjadinya kanker. Dibandingkan dengan bukan perokok, kemungkinan timbul kanker paru paru pada perokok mencapai 10 30 kali lebih sering. Banyak penelitian telah membuktikan adanya hubungan merokok dengan penyakit jantung koroner PJK. Dari 11 juta kematian per tahun di negara industri maju, WHO melaporkan lebih dari setengah 6 juta disebabkan gangguan sirkulasi darah, di mana 2,5 juta adalah penyakit jantung koroner dan 1,5 juta adalah stroke. BOSTON ?Are people uncovered exam help doses of bisphenol exam help of their canned foods quiz help other client products that may harm them?Or are the amounts too low examination help cause any harm?This is the crux of exam help vehement debate that may be being waged as federal officers are trying exam help decide even if the chemical, known as BPA, will be regulated. A group of toxicologists, adding some who work for federal agencies, is wondering the probability that BPA is harming human health. But biologists studying the chemical?s health consequences disagree, saying that what?s been detected in people is comparable exam help quantities that have harmed lab animals. BPA is arguably the most arguable chemical in consumer products. It is used examination help in making polycarbonate plastic as well as food quiz help beverage can liners quiz help some paper receipts quiz help dental sealants What is widely agreed upon is that publicity is ubiquitous. More than 90 percent of Americans tested have traces of BPA in their bodies.