Upon statistical evaluation of the information, the researchers once again found that wage itself was the highest quality predictor of wage satisfaction but both internal quiz help exterior comparisons were also highly crucial predictors of the variation in wage satisfaction Sweeney quiz help McFarlin, 2005. During this study the build of similarity was viewed in accordance with identical quiz help distinct occupations. The data for this study came from Economic incentives, values, quiz help subjective wellness analysis project of the Survey Research Center of the Institute of Social Research, the University of Michigan 1975. The survey based data were gathered using exam help multistage area possibility sampling method where each data point came from an individual who was at the least 18 years old quiz help employed. Like the 1st two stories the questions were scale based quiz help represented perceptions about their wage quiz help their relative satisfaction. As in the first two reports, the maximum predictor of wage satisfaction was in accordance with the income level itself quiz help comparisons with both identical quiz help distinct occupations predicted variability in wage satisfaction Sweeney quiz help McFarlin, 2005.